Use "ocellus|ocelli" in a sentence

1. Other Centipedes have a single-lens eye (ocellus) on each side of the head, a small cluster of ocelli, or no eyes at all

2. Booklice are less than 2 mm long, wingless, and have no ocelli

3. The rhabdom of the unpigmented ocellus is eccentrically located and its microvilli are not uniplanar.

4. This rock contains small amoeboidal mafc enclaves, labradorite megacrysts, quartz ocelli, amphibole-mantled xenoliths and irregular clots of granophyric granite.

5. Cicada, any of a group of sound-producing insects (order Homoptera) that have two pairs of membranous wings, prominent compound eyes, and three simple eyes (ocelli)

6. Angulous; References in periodicals archive? Habitus (Figures 21-22): Head brownish red; compound eyes black, rounded, arranged transversally; vertex smooth, rectangular, with a prominent median carina; ocelli closer to each other than to compound eyes;

7. A suite of alkaline lamprophyre dikes emplaced in centers I and II rocks of the Coldwell alkaline complex is composed of camptonites with calcite ocelli, camptonites with quartz macrocrysts, amphibole camptonites, monchiquites, and sannaites.

8. The ocelli or eyes of Arachnidans have been minutely investigated by Muller*, and seem to present a type of structure very far superior to that of insects. In the Scorpion, this distinguished anatomist succeeded in detecting most of the parts which enter into the construction of the eye of a vertebrate animal, and, moreover, a great similarity in their arrangement.